//lasermine ON/OFF (1 / 0)
amx_ltm "1"
//lasermine access level (0 is all, 1 is admin only)
amx_ltm_acs "0"
//lasermine mode (0 is killing laser, 1 is tripmine)
amx_ltm_mode "0"
//max have ammo and max deploy count.
amx_ltm_ammo "2"
//laser hit damage.
amx_ltm_dmg "1000"
//buying lasermine cost.
amx_ltm_cost "2500"
//kill enemy +money
amx_ltm_fragmoney "300"
//lasermines health. over 1000 is very hard mine
amx_ltm_health "500"
//max team deploy count.
amx_ltm_teammax "10"
//lasermine explode radius. ( it's float value)
amx_ltm_radius "320.0"
//lasermine explode damage. ( on center )
amx_ltm_rdmg "100"
//lasermine friendly fire.
amx_ltm_ff "0"
//lasermine can buying and deploying team.( ALL, T, CT )
amx_ltm_cbt "ALL"
//can say cmd buying. 0 is off, 1 is on . (/buy lasermine or /lm)
amx_ltm_buymode "1"
//lasermine round start deploying delay.
amx_ltm_delay "15"
//lasermine visible mode of laserline (0 is invisible, 1 is visible)
amx_ltm_line "1"
//glowing lasermine. (color is laser line color 0 is off, 1 is on )
amx_ltm_glow "0"
//laser line brightness.
amx_ltm_bright "255"
//laser line color mode. ( 0 is team color, 1 is green )
amx_ltm_color "0"
//laser hit damage mode. (0 is frame dmg, 1 is once dmg, 2 is seconds dmg)
amx_ltm_ldmgmode "0"
//seconds dmg. (dmg mode 2 only, damage / seconds default 1 sec)
amx_ltm_ldmgseconds "1"
//round start have ammo.
amx_ltm_startammo "1"
//command mode. (0 is +USE key, 1 is bind, 2 is each)
amx_ltm_cmdmode "1"
//Lasermine Configuration File
echo Executing Lasermine Configuration File